
damage tolerance中文是什么意思

  • 损坏容忍度
  • 损伤容限



  • 例句与用法
  • The new engineering concept known as damage tolerance has been developed to provide quantitative guidance for this purpose .
  • And the effect of integrity parameter correlative is analyzed . by studying the damage tolerance and durability of aeroplane wings and strengthened planes , the quantitative result of correlative analysis is given
  • Then an integrated application program including some functional modules such as residual strength analysis , crack growth analysis , principle structure elements database management , material properties database management etc , with friendly interfaces and favorable windows styles , is developed by using these classes . finally all of the typical structures described in the " damage tolerance design handbook " have been analyzed
  • The work of this thesis has shown that the object - oriented damage tolerance program does require much less time and is indeed more suitable than procedure - oriented programming in damage tolerance analysis of engineering structures . furthermore , the damage tolerance analysis classes have excellent ability in hierarchy and extension , so they are great valuable in engineering and will be used more widely in the future
  • The repair effect was compared with various type of repair parameters such as patch thickness young ' s modulus and thickness young ' s modulus of adhesive layer . in the chapter iv , a thermalstatic mechanical loading analysis of the repair problem was made . for the single side repair , the patch material having the maximum mismatch in the coefficient of thermal expansion with that of the crack aluminum plate provides the better damage tolerance capability for single - side crack in the panel
    模拟计算表明:粘胶模量增大, j积分值降低,修补效果与粘胶模量有关;随着粘胶厚度的增大,修补模型的j积分值略有增大后再逐步减小,应合理选择粘胶的厚度,尽量避免选择j积分较大值时的粘胶厚度;随着补片厚度的增加,修补模型的j积分值逐渐增大,到达一定量后又开始减小,因此补片的厚度需要合理选择。
  • ( 4 ) for the structures system , by plentiful analyses of damage tolerance and durability , significant failure modes are identified . and the correlation of failure modes is considered . then , by the method of ditlevnsen ' s narrow reliability bounds , the structural system integrity - probability is calculated
  • Abstract : the attention has focused on quantifying the capability of nondestructive testing ( ndt ) system for guaranteeing structural safety through damage tolerance analysis . a method of reliability assessment for engine blades ndt is presented , which can determine exactly the probability of flaw detection ( pod ) and assess the probability of flaws missed ( pom ) in the engine blades , as well as control the largest size of the flaws missed at inspections with high probability of flaw detection and confidence level . this method also raises the flaw detection probability and prevents the flight accidents caused by the missed flaws in engine blades
    文摘:提出了一种发动机叶片无损检测可靠性分析方法,利用该方法可以有效地提高叶片中裂纹(缺陷)的检出概率( pod ) ,并能对裂纹的漏检概率( pom )进行准确地评估和控制,使因叶片裂纹漏检而引起发动机故障的可能性降至最低程度,从而确保发动机的安全运行;该方法简单方便,易于工程实施和应用。
  • Three dimensional braided composite is one kind of textile composite . structures with complex shape can be manufactured easily by three dimensional braiding technologies . three dimensional braided composite has higher impact resistance and higher damage tolerance than other textile composite have
  • For the fine solution of this problem , the author has made an attempt to introduce the object - oriented technique to damage tolerance analysis . a set of basic and auxiliary classes , based upon some important concepts of object - oriented technique , which can be directly used for the development of programs of damage tolerance analysis has been designed and implemented by c + + language
    为此,本文将面向对象的程序设计方法引入到损伤容限分析中,运用面向对象观点对损伤容限分析方法和数据需求作了全面分析,设计了一套损伤容限分析的基本类库和辅助类库,建立了损伤容限分析的对象模型,并采用c + +语言进行了实现。
  • Three - dimensionally braided structural composites have distinct structure that is fully integrated , continuously spatial fiber - network impregnated with ductile material . the new innovative materials have not plies as conventional composites have , and put an end once and all to low interlaminar strength showing in laminate materials . because of their enhanced stiffness and strength in the thickness direction , near - net - shape design and manufacturing , superior damage tolerance and specified aerospace function , the braided composites are gaining more and more attention of industry and academia
    三维编织结构复合材料是完全整体、连续、多向的纺线(纤维束)的网络,充填以延性材料,这类新材料已失去通常复合材料的层合板概念,由此,层合板复合材料层间脆弱的致命弱点在编织结构复合材料中得到克服,所以编织结构复合材料具有高的强度和刚度(包括在厚度方向) ,接近实际形状的制造,高的冲击韧性、高的损伤阻抗,和按实际设计要求的特定的航空航天方面的使用功能,因而广泛地受到工业界和学术界的关注。
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  • 百科解释
Damage tolerance is a property of a structure relating to its ability to sustain defects safely until repair can be effected. The approach to engineering design to account for damage tolerance is based on the assumption that flaws can exist in any structure and such flaws propagate with usage.
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